An Ode to reflectionships








After being so busy with the most recent blog launch, I turned my phone off to recharge and have a phone-less birthday. No sooner had I turned it on again that a friend called. He was adamant that I was ‘The One’ for him and that he wanted to marry me. I politely pointed out […]

August 6, 2021

Spiritual Compatibility: 3 Signs You're Marrying The Wrong Person


A few months ago, I reluctantly began reading a book entitled Discovering The Mind of a Woman by Ken Nair. The reasons why I started reading this book escape me; it may have had something to do with the fact that when it came to my understanding of how women think, I was just about […]

July 4, 2020


“Take your time, but don’t waste your time,” his friend advised me following a call I’d arranged to quiz them about his character. The advice centred on the assumption that our potential relationship was purposeful (courtship), not casual (dating). The former has marriage as the goal from the outset, whereas the latter does not; therefore, […]

June 20, 2020


Failing in Love is a book by Juliette Sweeney which explores how failed relationships can be the springboard for successful ones later on. At just 60 pages it’s a quick read, but the reflection questions give you the opportunity to delve deeper into how you can apply what you’ve read to your own life. The […]

April 10, 2020


So I’m no longer in the relationship that sparked all the blog posts in the ‘Relationships’ category. However, this particular sub-category contains blogs written during that relationship. These were actually posted under a different blog that I had at the time: Reflectionships. Reflectionships introduced me to the world of blogging, and sparked a desire in me […]

October 22, 2018


I’ve dreamed about my wedding for as long as I can remember. The specifics have evolved over time, but one thing remains constant – I definitely want to get married one day. God brought something to the forefront of my mind recently that I often forget: I am already married. It’s a truth that applies to […]

March 15, 2016


At one point or another, you’ve probably been confronted by an angry parent or guardian demanding to know why you’ve done something silly. To which you mistakenly replied ‘because they said so.’ However, such a response probably evoked more anger, and an exaggerated comparison along the lines: ‘if they said jump into a fire would you do […]

December 20, 2015


As one of the five senses, your eyes take in a lot of information. We look at a lot of things on a daily basis, but there’s one person we should be looking at differently to the rest (in microscopic detail if possible). Looking is Contextual “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our […]

December 5, 2015

Looking Unto Jesus


I was at a wedding a while ago, where the minister encouraged the couple to remember: if they have children, they were a couple before they had children. Similarly some of you might benefit from being reminded that: you were a Christian before you became a boyfriend/girlfriend… Christian In Name & Nature “If then you were raised with Christ, seek […]

August 7, 2015



Although I wouldn’t want to be single forever, I also hate being in a relationship because of how fragile they can be. Romantic novels and fairy tales seem to portray relationships in terms of passion and excitement. However, human beings lie at the core. Human beings with feelings. Feelings capable of experiencing hurt, grief, and […]

July 23, 2015

Single vs Relationship



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