I’ve become a self-confessed ‘devotion champion’ of late, and that’s why it pains me to know a number of my nearest and dearest don’t have (or are struggling to have) a consistent devotional life. As someone that’s experienced a full spectrum of ‘closeness’ to God, from amazing highs (100% living Isaiah 26:9a right now), to […]

December 17, 2018


I recently attended a retreat and one of the workshops was entitled ‘Love, Sex, & Marriage.’ The girls and guys were split into different groups to talk about ‘gender relevant’ issues. Afterwards, a male friend and I were talking and he mentioned how his workshop included ‘the usual.’ I probed to see what he meant […]

April 27, 2016


“It’s not that deep.” I loathe that statement. Especially when individuals use it to refer to things that are blatantly that deep. You may choose to brush the issue under the carpet with a phrase that will soothe your conscience. However, that does not negate the actual ‘deepness’ of whatever you are trying to ignore. […]

August 13, 2015

Should Christians Swear?


A female Christian friend seemed blasé about her personal relationships with friends who she acknowledges have ‘benefits.’ But I’m of the view that such an intimate arrangement between two so-called ‘friends’ cheapens, trivialises, and distorts love. Of course I can’t dictate how she, or you, should live your life. However, I would ask you to […]

July 4, 2015

Friends with Benefits



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